Leading with Integrity: A Manager’s Guide to Compliance and Ethics

The Office of University Compliance has developed this certificate program to provide professional development for managers and supervisors focused on compliance-related efforts at UConn. As a leader on your campus, you are positioned to actively foster and influence a culture of compliance amongst the employees on your team. Through this certificate program, we aim for you to make tangible connections between your daily responsibilities and UConn's overarching mission through facilitated mutual growth and learning with your colleagues.

In an effort to provide tailored training for managers responsible for day-to-day compliance activities, our goal is to support you in enhancing your skills and competencies. This includes understanding your compliance role within our institutional framework, identifying and addressing potential compliance issues, and embracing the philosophy that compliance is not merely a checklist, but an integral part of our operations.

Upon completion, participants will receive both a digital and printed certificate, and each participant's name, position, and department will be shared with the President's Office.

Intended Learning Outcomes

  1. Articulate the University’s position and commitment to compliance and ethics, and lead by example: Participants will be equipped to lead by example, demonstrating their commitment to compliance and ethics through their actions, decisions, and interactions with others within the university community.
  2. Understand compliance and ethics fundamentals: Participants will gain a foundational understanding of compliance principles, including legal requirements, ethical considerations, and the importance of fostering a culture of compliance within the university setting.
  3. Identify compliance areas relevant to their departments: Participants will learn to recognize key compliance areas pertinent to their respective departments, such as financial management, research integrity, human resources, and student affairs.
  4. Recognize ethical dilemmas: Participants will develop the ability to recognize and navigate ethical dilemmas commonly encountered in university operations, fostering an environment where ethical decision-making is valued and practiced.
  5. Promote compliance awareness and foster a culture of compliance: Participants will learn strategies to raise awareness about compliance expectations and requirements among their teams, fostering a shared understanding of compliance responsibilities and accountability. Participants will explore techniques to foster a culture of compliance within their departments, emphasizing the importance of ethical behavior, transparency, and accountability among staff members.
  6. Continuously improve compliance practices: Participants will understand the importance of continuous improvement in compliance practices and will be empowered to evaluate and enhance their department's compliance efforts over time, adapting to evolving regulations and best practices.

Join Us

Open To: UConn Stamford supervisors and managers

Participants must complete both sessions 1 and 2 to earn a certificate.

Session 1


1:30 - 3:00 pm EST

Live on Webex

Session 2


1:00 - 3:00 pm EST

DWTN 106 Werth Conference Room, Stamford Campus