Accreditation and Regulatory Affairs
Accreditation and Regulatory Affairs
The Office of Accreditation and Regulatory Affairs is the first point of contact for any regulatory inquiry or visit whether expected or unannounced. This office is responsible for educating and monitoring new and revised regulations, codes and standards set forward by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), The Joint Commission (TJC), the Department of Public Health (DPH), and other regulatory agencies. It provides guidance and support in preparing for accreditation, certification and other surveys. Additionally, it assists in the development of corrective actions when issues are identified, and collaborates with quality and patient safety.
Accreditation and Regulatory Affairs, Office of
(860) 679-7015
ADA/Section 504
As part of the University's commitment to providing equal access and full participation for individuals with disabilities, the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) monitors the University’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. These statutes prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in any service, program or activity. OIE provides training and guidance on federal disability laws and University Policies related to accessibility. The Associate Vice President of OIE serves as UConn's ADA Coordinator and Section 504 Coordinator.
Institutional Equity, Office of
(860) 486-2943 (UConn Storrs and Regional)
(860) 679-3563 (UConn Health)
Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity
Diversity/Affirmative Action
The Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity and Search Compliance Unit of the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) provides search committee education and training. OIE can answer your questions throughout the search process to support compliance with AA/EEO regulations and best practices.
Institutional Equity, Office of
(860) 486-2944 (UConn Storrs and Regional)
(860) 679-3563 (UConn Health)
Animal Use in Teaching and Research
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) can provide guidance related to the University's program for the humane care and use of animals in research and teaching. Animal welfare or non-compliance concerns may be reported to IACUC, the Attending Veterinarian or Research Compliance Services (RCS).
(860) 486-2459 (UConn Storrs and Regional)
(860) 679-4129 (UConn Health)
Athletics Compliance can provide guidance regarding permissible and prohibited conduct of student-athletes, coaches and administrators, in accordance with NCAA rules and regulations.
Athletics Compliance
(860) 486-2208
Campus Safety
While several compliance areas are responsible for various Clery requirements, the Division of Public Safety reports on crime, maintains necessary policies, protocols and reports and offers resources for the University Community.
Public Safety
(860) 486-4800
Contract Compliance (UConn Storrs and Regional)
Contract Compliance
Contracting and Compliance can guide end user departments throughout the contracting process to help ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and make sure vendors deliver on agreed upon contracts and services.
Contracting and Compliance
(860) 486-2619
Contract Compliance (UConn Health)
Contract Compliance
The Contracts Department supports UConn Health’s mission by utilizing their contracting expertise to efficiently manage contract creation and execution while minimizing risk, facilitating positive internal and external contracting relationships, and ensuring contract compliance with federal and state laws and regulations as well as UConn Health policies and procedures.
Procurement Operations and Contracts
(860) 679-6592
Conflicts of Interest in Research
A Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) in Research exists when the University, through its designated official(s), reasonably determines an Investigator's Significant Financial Interest (SFI) is related to a research project and could directly and significantly affect the design, conduct or reporting of the research. Read More...
Research Integrity & Compliance (UConn Storrs and Regional) (UConn Health)
Discrimination/ Discriminatory Harassment/Sexual Harassment
Discrimination/Sexual Misconduct
The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) is responsible for objectively investigating complaints of discrimination and harassment based on protected classification to determine if employee conduct violates the University's non-discrimination policies. Where investigations reveal the presence of discriminatory or harassing behavior, OIE is responsible for making recommendations that are designed to mitigate the effects of discriminatory conduct. Read More...
Institutional Equity, Office of
(860) 486-2943 (UConn Storrs and Regional)
(860) 679-3563 (UConn Health)
Drug Free Schools – Employees
Campus Safety
The Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations (LR) can answer questions regarding drug and alcohol abuse prevention policies, programs and resources for University Employees and can provide guidance on Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act requirements.
Faculty and Staff Labor Relations, Office of
(860) 486-5684
Drug Free Schools – Students
Campus Safety
Wellness and Prevention Services can answer questions regarding drug and alcohol abuse prevention policies, programs and resources for University Students and can provide guidance on Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act requirements.
Wellness and Prevention Services
(860) 486-9436
Environmental Health and Safety (UConn Storrs and Regionals)
Environmental Health and Safety
The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) supports and promotes a culture of safety, environmental protection, and compliance at the University by providing leadership in the identification and management of safety, health, and environmental risks. Read More...
Environmental Health and Safety
(860) 486-3613
EHS Subject Matter Contacts
Environmental Health and Safety (UConn Health)
Environmental Health and Safety
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) at UConn Health is dedicated to the health, safety and welfare of our research, medical, dental and support communities in the fields of environmental safety, biological safety, chemical safety and radiation safety.
Environmental Health and Safety
(860) 679-2723
The Ethics Liaison can answer questions and concerns regarding the State Code of Ethics for Public Officials, addressing topics such as gifts, outside employment, financial benefits/gains, contracts with the state and appearance fees.
University Compliance, Office of
(860) 486-2530
Export Control
Research Compliance Services can answer questions on regulations that govern how certain information, technologies, and commodities can be transmitted overseas or to a foreign national on U.S. soil.
Research Integrity & Compliance
(860) 486-3994
Healthcare Compliance and Privacy
Healthcare Compliance and Privacy
The Office of Healthcare Compliance & Privacy, based at UConn Health, focuses on the implementation of a Healthcare Compliance and Privacy Program directly relevant to operations and patient care in clinical environments and related business functions. Within the Office, the Compliance team serves as a resource for all members of the UConn Health community in providing education and guidance on healthcare compliance matters and responding to reports of alleged non-compliance with related laws, federal healthcare program requirements, and institutional policies. Read More...
Healthcare Compliance & Privacy, Office of
(860) 679-6060
Human Subjects Research
The Institutional Official overseeing the Human Research Protection Program can provide guidance related to the ethical principles and regulatory requirements for the protection of the safety, rights, and welfare of human research participants.
(860) 486-8802 (UConn Storrs and Regional)
(860) 679-8802 (UConn Health)
Intellectual Property and Commercialization
Intellectual Property and Commercialization
Research Technology Commercialization and Industry Relations can answer questions regarding Uconn inventions, startup companies, licensing technology and other business related research collaborations.
Research Technology Commercialization and Industry Relations
(860) 679-8774
Information/Data Security (UConn Storrs and Regional)
The Information Security Office of the Storrs and Regional Campuses can assist with data loss prevention, the improved security of system and network services, and proactive risk management and crisis and security incident management. If you suspect any security vulnerabilities or potential system compromises, immediately contact us.
(860) 486-1777
Information/Data Security (UConn Health)
The Information Security Office of UConn Health can assist with data loss prevention, the improved security of system and network services, and proactive risk management and crisis and security incident management. If you suspect any security vulnerabilities or potential system compromises, immediately contact us.
(860) 679-2295
Minor Protection (Youth in Sponsored Programs/Events)
University's Minor Protection Program provides guidance and resources related to reporting child abuse and neglect as well as standards for University youth activities.
Human Resources
(860) 486-4510
Privacy (UConn Storrs and Regional)
The Privacy Officer can answer questions and concerns related to access rights and protection of sensitive or confidential personal information of members of our University Community such as students, employees, patients, and research subjects.
University Compliance, Office of
(860) 486-5214
Records Management (UConn Storrs and Regional)
Records Management
The University's Records Management Liaison Officer (RMLO) can provide guidance related to State and University records policies and procedures and answer record retention and scanning questions.
Archives and Special Collections (Records Management Liaison Officer)
(860) 486-4507
Records Management (UConn Health)
Records Management
Records Storage and Informational Services acts as a focal point for information regarding records storage and retention information at UConn Health.
Logistics Management, Office of
(860) 679-1960
For non-patient related records:
For patient-related records:
Tax Compliance
Tax Compliance
The Tax & Compliance Office seeks to inform, educate and develop understanding of tax issues on a campus-wide basis. This office can answer general questions and concerns about tax laws and offers workshops and orientations.
Tax & Compliance, Office of
(860) 486-4653
Marketing & Communications
Marketing & Communications
University Communications is responsible for:
- Brand Standards
- Web Standards (in coordination with ITS)
- Advertising & Sponsorships
- Social Media
- Brand Partnerships & Trademark Management
University Communications
(860) 486-3530 (UConn Storrs and Regional)
Title IX
Discrimination/Sexual Misconduct
Diversity/Affirmative Action
Title IX prohibits discrimination based on the sex (gender) of employees and students.
The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) oversees the coordination of University prevention and response efforts related to sex/gender-based discrimination. OIE provides information, support and resources for anyone impacted by sexual harassment and/or sexual violence (including sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking).
Institutional Equity, Office of
(860) 486-2943 (UConn Storrs and Regional)
(860) 679-3563 (UConn Health)
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