A Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) in Research exists when the University, through its designated official(s), reasonably determines an Investigator’s Significant Financial Interest (SFI) is related to a research project and could directly and significantly affect the design, conduct or reporting of the research. Investigators are required to disclose all SFIs (including those of a spouse or dependent child) that meet thresholds as defined by policy. Research Integrity & Compliance can help guide you through applicable policies and procedures.
UConn Storrs/Regional: https://ovpr.uconn.edu/services/rics/fcoi/
UConn Health: https://ovpr.uchc.edu/services/rics/fcoi/
Email: fcoi@uconn.edu (UConn Storrs and Regional) fcoi@uchc.edu (UConn Health)
Responsible Unit: Research Integrity & Compliance
Topic: Research